15 Dec 2018

Day 85. Orthodox churches in Vilnius. #CityTours #VilniusConfessions



On Last Sunday I took the second tour tour with Gabija which was called Rusenu Vilnius. (Vilnius of Orthodox Christians).


Orthodox Christians of Vilnius historically lived on the left side of Pilies street  / Didzioji street / Ausros Vartu street (direction from the Castle towards the City Hall.). And Rusenai in Vilnius are not Russians, but hictorical Orthodox Christians of Vilnius.

We started the tour near Bridge of Uzupis and we visited Cathedral of the Theotokos first.

As Wiki states, and as Gabija mentioned it is the main Orthodox Christian Church of Vilnius, and of entire Lithuania. And it is the second oldest Orthodox Church of Vilnius dated in 1348. (#GothicArchitecture

A view from the roof

One of tree bell towers

One of the bells

We enetered into the Church (I have visited it for the first time in my life)  and Jevgenyi, who tolls the bells of the church every Sunday, took us on the roof and showed us how he tolls teh bells. It is really amazing to be on the roof of the main Orthodox Christian church of Lithuania.

The second church we visited is Church of St. Paraskeva, the oldest Orthodox church in Vilnius, dated 1345.

The legend that Abram Petrovich Gannibal, the great- granfather of Alexander Pushkin, was baptized in the church is very popular and vivid.

Let me just remind you Alexander Pushin nor he has ever visited Vilnius neither has visted Markuciai Manor (Day 32).  #Pushkin

The third church we visited is Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas.
Inside the church Gabija told us shortly about Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus.

It is very interesting that this church is the only church in Vinius where the holy mass is celebrated in Lithuanian for Lithuanian Orthodox Christians.

The Church seems so mystic and secret to me.

The last Church to vist was Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit.

It's baroque interiour is so striking! You can see the presence of Vilnius Baroque master and father Johann Christoph Glaubitz here!

Brother Nikita took us to the cellar of the church where the tiny chapel is located.

To sum up: there are 14 Orthodox Churches in Vilnius, 12 of them - operating.
Gabija introduced us 5 of them, located in the old town.

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