8 Apr 2016

Day 32. Visit to Markučiai Manor Estate. (Pavilniai Regional Park. Part I.)

My suggestion for today is to visit Markučiai Manor.

LocationMarkučiai district (in LT), Pavilniai Regional Park (official website of Pavilniai Regional Park just in LT).

Markučiai Manor Estate  ( in Lithuanian) consists of a manor, where Alexander Pushkin literary museum is situated, and a park.

Markučiai - famous for its amazing beauty of nature, called for some time Sakalaičiai, in the 19th c. called Svaitalpolė, always used to be one of the favourite suburb rest places for Vilnius residents. In the 14-15th c. Markučiai belonged to the royal Gurai Manor, since 16th c. - to famous magnates families of RadziwiłłKiszkaChodkiewicz.
In 1867 Russian general and railways construction engineer Aleksej Petrovich Melnikov bought the manor from Polish doctor Ignacy Godlewski and in the same year he buit a new wooden summer cottage on the foundations of the old Kiszka family palace (more detailed info here) and created an English landscape park.

Later on, he passed the manor to his daughter Varvara Melnikova - Pushkina, who in 1883 married A. Pushkin's son Grigory Pushkin.
More about the history of the place here.
Varvara lived here till her death in 1935 and the last will of her was to establish the literary museum of Alexander Pushin in the residential house.
In 1948 her will was executed and the museum was established.

Welcome information board

Let's climb some steps

Summer cottage where the museum is located

Monument of A. Pushkin

Park with ponds

Pond and ducks resting on a bank

Chapel of Saint Barbara and a small family cemetery

I've visited the manor on one beautiful early May Sunday. 

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