19 Jul 2016

Day 50. Visit to the Centre for Civil Education

series of #VilniusINdoors

On July 10 I've visited the Centre for Civil Education located in the Presidential palace.It's such an interesiting educational place.
Not only you will get to the inner courtyard of the Presidential Palace, which is usually closed for visitors, but you will lear how the Lithuanian state functions.
You will learn about institution of the President, its history, about the Parliament, parties, muniscipalities and much much more.
Everything is in Lithuanian, but I guess some information could be found in Enhlish as well.
Just make sure you have at least 3-4 hours and you can spend them here. Although I thisnk that I can spend here the whole day.
The Centre for Civil Education has opened on March 10 and it's quite a new educational place.

First presidents of Lithuania

Presidents of Lithuania starting from 1990

The executive branch in Lithuanina

The Parliament of Lithuania

Check how civivally engaged you are

I've never seen 1000 litas banknote in my life!

PS this guy on 1000 litas is Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis :)

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