6 Feb 2017

Day 57. Short trip to Lentvaris Manor

Lentvaris Manor is a former residential manor located in Lentvaris town, approximatelly 18 km form Vilnius.

Lentvaris Manor was founded in XVI c. 

Style - neo gothic.

The residential house is constructed on the nothern bank of the Lentvaris Lake. 
Since 2008 the Manor is on the Lithuanian Heritage list what means that The Cultural Heritage Department should take care of it.


 - Neo gothic palace form the end of XIX c. - beginning of XX c., constructed in 1861  - 1969 (the architect - G. von Sacht), reconstructed in 1899.

- A house of servants (eclectic style) from the end of XIX c.

- A barn from brics ( bedinning of XIXc.)

 - A stables ( end of XIX c. - beginning of XX c)

 - The English  Style Park (founded in the end of XIX c.) the landscape designer  - Édouard André.


The manor was mentioned for the first time in 1596.

In the XVII c. the owner of the mano was Tomasz Sapieha. 

from 1850 till 1939 the Manor and the Lentvaris suroundings belonged to Counts Tyszkiewicz. They in 1855 - 1965 constructed neo gothic palace. Later, around the palace they founded the english style park. 

You can easily reach the Lentvaris Manor with the bus No. 68 form Lazdynai or by train from Vilnius Railway station to Lentvaris station. 

A walk around the Manor will take you app. 1 - 2 hours.

The Residential palace is deserted but its neo gothic exterior is very impressive.

More pictures you can find on my facebook SenbeiTen-po-Lietuva

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