14 Feb 2016

Day 18. Rasos Cemetery. Vilnius cemeteries


Well, it's a bit odd to write about a cementry on St. Valentine Day, but, on the other hand we all will all die, sooner or later. Lovers, not lovers and all.

The Rasos Cemetery is worth a separate post because it is one the oldest cemeteries in Vilnius.

Many famous Lithuanians, Poles and Belarusians are burried there.
It was establised in 1801. 

Nowadays many tombs are deteriorating and funds for the cementry preservation are needed. ( the Vilnius municipality has promised to implemet a plan of the cemetery conservation till 2018). 

A tomb of Jonas Basanavičius (called a Patriarch of the Nation).
Each year on February 16 flowers are layed here. 

A tomb of a writer Vincas Mykolaitis - Putinas

A tomb of a painter and composer Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis

The Rasos Cementry has a significant meaning for all Poles. In 1920 a war cementry was built there. Polish soldiers who fell in Polish - Soviet War and Polish - Lithuanian War are burried here. Also,  mother of Józef Piłsudski -  Maria Piłsudska and the heart of Polish Marshal Józef Piłsudski rest there.

So, If you are a Pole and you are travelling to Vilnius, the Rasos Cementry is one of the YOU MUST SEE places. And all local Polish tourist guides will definitely take you there. 

A walk from the Old town from the Town Hall Square takes about 20 minutes. 
You should walk towards The Gate of Dawn untill you see the Basilian Gate (more info) on the right, then you should turn left into Subačiaus street and walk till you pass the Subačius Gate ( one of the gates in the historical Wall of Vilnius). Thus you will leave the Old town and walk straight till the closed and deserted Church of the Missionaries.

Then turn right, go upstairs, and go straight on Rasos street. You will pass on you left: the Church of th Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Vilnius Correction House, you will walk over the railway and finally reach the Rasos Cementry.

Have a really nice walk and a contemplating time in the oldest cementry in Vilnius.

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