28 Apr 2016

Day 37. National Youth Theatre (for locals :))))


Last week, for the firt time in my life I've visited National Youth Theatre.

Official website: www.jaunimoteatras.lt, but of course only in Lithuanian since all the spectacles are in Lithuanian.

We were watching a serious and depressing drama Dea Loher's play Pabaigos Ugnis ( The Final Fire)  directed by Gintaras Varnas (in LT).

Photo taken from official website

Despite the fact that it was depressing, we liked it a lot :)

I've visited it for the second time on 20 November, 2021 (the 2nd pandemic year).
And it was a legendary Don Kichot de La Mancha.

Discussion with Adomas Juška
During break

27 Apr 2016

Day 36. In search for Vilnius Angels

Let's search today for Vilnius #Angels.

The most famous of all Vilnius Angels is Užupis Angel by sculptor Romas Vilciauskas located in not a bit less famous Užupis district.

Today Uzupis Angel can even talk and call you by phone! He is a star among Vilnius Angels!

You can find two angels on Basanaviciaus str.

Angels in front of Savickas Art Gallery (although I am not sure for 100% ...)

Angel in Verkiai Calvary sitting by the Cedronas Stream (in LT)

And we have several little white angels which are located in different place all around the city.

This little one (No 1) is sitting on T. Narbuto Street on a Police building
 just in front of Panorama

This one (no 2) is sitting on J. Tumo - Vaizganto str. 
on a building of guards of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RL

This one (No 3)  is sitting on Algirdo str.

Little angels were created by scultptor Vaidas Ramoska.

to be continued ....

This rollerskater (No 4) is sitting on Gediminas ave./ Vilniaus str.
and has a good view on Vincas Kudirka Square

And this little Angel stands in the private courtyard of DORĖ Palada Jewelery
By the way, Vilnius Angels on FB informed that there are only 2 Girls Angels among all Vilnius Angels. This one below is an Angel Girl. (No 5)

One more (no 6) is sitting on the roof of A. Vienuolis progymnasium (Aušros Vartų str. 23)
 (found on July 17, 2016)

The 7th Vilnius Little Angel is well hiden.
You can find it only accidentaly if you decide to have a walk along the Ribiskes Cognitive Path (just LT).

One summer Sunday I've decided to have a lonely walk along the Ribiskes Cognitive Path. (I will tell about this path later in a separate post).

Ribiskes Cognitive Path is located totally in Ribiskes Landscape Reserve (in Pavilniai Regional Park (in LT).

So a little Angel is sitting on one of these buildings (if I correctly defined it should be a villa (or actually a castle at Ribiskiu takas 57).

Conclusion: If you are rich, even angels sit on the roof of your castle.


Recently discovered angel (no 8) is sitting a windowsill at Maluno str. 12

And Here comes the Hugest Vilnius Angel (no 9). 
I do not dare to call him Vilnius Little Angel. 
Location: in front of VCUP :

And here comes one fellow:

This little fellow (No 10) #VilniusAngel is sitting at Tumeno str. 4 (discovered on January 13)

Unexpectedly, I found one more #Vilniusangel (no 11)  in Siemens Arena :) on February 05

These tree cute ceramic Angels stand in the window 
of one of those souvenirs shops on Pilies str.

These 2 #VilniusAngels  (Angels No 12 and No 13)
are sitting on the roof of Vilnius Antakalnis Gymnasium (in LT)

So cute, isn't he?
And it's interesting to note that these 2 fellows are looking each at another :))))

One Ramoska's Angels in Antakalnis

Angel No 14 on one of those new houses on Antakalnis str.

Angel in Zirmunai:

This Angel (No 15) is sitting on Tuskulenai Business Centre (Tuskulenu str. 33C)
and it is holding a locomotive :)

Paper Angels in a windows of a shop on Dominikonu str. 

And continuation on Day 100 :)....

17 Apr 2016

Day 35. Hike in Verkiai Regional Park in Riešė Hydrographic Reserve (along the Riešė Stream bank) (Verkiai Regional Park: Part I)

Today I took part in a massive hike in Verkiai Regional Park (in LT) in Riešė Hydrographic Reserve along the bank of the Riešė Stream (in LT).

Info about the hike I've found on zygis.info and it was organized by Vilnius City Public Health Bureu.

Our hide guite was Mr. Marius Trapnauskas. Organizers state that hike was aproximatelly 10 km long, however my mobile phone states that we managed to march maximum 6 km.

Well, I not saying that my phone is smarter than the organizers, but organizers have to use some marketing tricks to attract more participants. Hey people: WE WILL MARCH 10 km! WE WILL BURN A LOT OF CALLORIES!

The hike was totally for free. 
Starting point: Žaliųjų Ežerų str. 85

Since the hike was for free, few hundreds of hikers gathered. to be sincere, I really didn't like that. Even some foreign students were marching and Spanish girls were talking all the time.

a dam on the Turniškės Stream

Our first stop was at Naujieji Verkiai Paper Factory (in LT). A hike guide started to tell us about the factory but it could be heard nothing. There were too many people.
Naujieji Verkiai Paper Factory

 The Riešė Stream is absolutely beautiful and it has very picturesque banks. About Riešė Hydrographic Reserve (inLT) I will tell later. The route was nice and interesting and not so easy as I thought at first. A path was very narrow in some places so marching jams were formed due to a huge number of hikers.

The Riešė Stream

The next and the last stop was on the Neris bank,  somethere between Naujieji Verkiai and Ozkiniai, I guess it was Staviškės. We had lunch there.
The Neris 

I wonder why we didn't go on the Staviškių Mound (Piliakalnis) (in LT). We were close to it. Maybe the hike guide said somtehing about it, but I was too far to hear anything.
Also, since I was far from the guide I even didn't realize where Staviškiu pilkapynas was.

Calthas (Marsh marigold) in bloom

The route took us approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes and it started at 2 p.m.

At 6 p.m. we had the first thunder in a new season 2016 in Vilnius!!! :) As it is said you can go swimming after the first thunder. Let's jump to the Salotė Lake!
And at 8:30 p.m. we had a first rainbow in the sky in season 2016!
well, sorry for my deviations from the main topic ...

The first rainbow of 2016

So, on the whole, I can say that the route was abolutely fine and nice, but a number of hikers was unconvenient.

Pictures taken by hike participants - here.

I will go back there on my own and I will visit objects which were ignored today and I will tell more about this hike. And it should be not far away in the future because I will forget the route.

Untill the next time, then!
to be continued ...

Jump to continuation!

12 Apr 2016

Day 34. Some more graffities in Vilnius. Vilnius Street Arts Festivals 2013 & 2014

Let's go to see some more Vilnius graffities.


Many of them were created during Vilnius Street Art Festivals ( in 2013, 2014 & 2015).

Paintings created last year during the 3rd festival I have presented here (3 paintings) and here ( 1 more, and also one of 2014 which I call kaip ne zmogus by ARYZ and a famous graffiti on Lietuva cinema (in LT) by Ernest Zacharevic.

Atlants by Ernest Zacharevic you see as you walk along the Neris enbankment starting from Žvėrynas (see here).

And here comes the graffiti on former Soviet Palace of Trade Union located on Tauro Hill (in LT)  (Taurakalnis or Pamėnkalnis (also in LT) (location Naujamiestis district)

Graffiti  by polish artist M-City (2014)

Profsajungu Palace is slowly decaying

View from Tauro kalnas

Here come one more:

Iconic Vilnius Full of Space by Lithuanian anonimous artist 209 (in LT)
(2014) (location Barbakanas Hill (in LT)

How seven mayors did not overcome one ghost. Vilnius fairytales.
(my translation)
by 209 (2014) on Pamenkalnio str.

Graffiti by Antanas Dubra on the former St. Jacob Hopistal
near the Lukiskes square
Since the hospital is gone the picture does not exist any more
Picture by Organizers of Vilnius Street Art Festivals taken from https://www.delfi.lt
