26 May 2016

Day 42. Vilnius Museums Night

On May 21 Museums Night took place in Vilnius.

Photo taken from www.vilnius-events.lt

Museum Night (in LT) is one of the greatest culture events in the capital.

I managed to visit only few musems at that evening (shame on me ....).

After a day comes a night (official website)! (only in LT)

First, we visited the Contemporary Art Centre:

 Then, we stop for a while to listen to musicians at the Town Hall Square

We steped into the Museum - House of the Šlapeliai (in LT)

... and into the Sinatories' House

Finally, my great wish was to visit the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania ....
but .... the queue was so long that I've decided not to wait ... I guess, I was able to get inside till 11 p.m. but ... is it worth it?
Like some people, who had seen the queue, said "I better come other day and pay for the ticket than wait in such crowd." I agree.. 

So I came to the Palace on a simple day like Thursday, May 26 (continuation .....)

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