2 Mar 2016

Day 23. A. Vassiliev exhibitions. Part I. Exhibition Invitation to the Ball 1915 -2015.

series of #VilniusINdoors

On February 25, my work collegues and I have visited one of  Alexandre Vasilyev exhibitions.
This time it was Exhibition Invitation to the Ball 1915-2015 The most glamorous evening gowns from collection of Alexandre Vassiliev.
Location: the Museum of Applied Arts which is a part of the Lithuanian Art Musem.

The Museum of Applied Arts was established in 1987 in the reconstructed historical Arsenal, mentioned in the middle of 16th century annals as a part of the Lower Castle complex. In the middle of 15th century the eastern masonry wall of the Lower Castle was built. The bottom of the wall was mostly large stone masonry. At the confluence of the rivers Neris and Vilnele the eastern wall terminated in a square brickwork tower. The fragments of this tower can bee seen upon entering the museum on the right side the stairs. The eastern defensive wall was found to contain four-meter tall and three-meter wide pointed arch castle gate, which obviously led to the so called Crooked castle. Today thsi gate admits the visitors of the exhibition.

The museum hosts temporary exhibitions as well as international projects, educational sessions, and concerts.  (info taken from a ticket):)

It's not the first exhibition of Alexandre Vassiliev hosted by the Museum of Applied Arts. 


My favourite dress <3 <3
and a model Lauren Bacall (on the third photo)

the most expensive gown in the exhibition ( by Dior)

Do you see the what I see? 
Yellow-Green-Red <3 <3 <3 

Three dresses by Lithuanian designers:
From the left ( my left and the left of a reader)

More about the opening of the exposition and more photos of the gowns ( in Lithuanian ) here , and here, and a wide comment on the exhibition (in Lithuanian) here.

We had a guided tour ( duration: 1, 5 hour) with a guide Vygintas Malinauskas who was such amazing and funny guide in the world of the gowns. Thank you!

Admission - 1,80  EUR (adults), a guided tour - 10 EUR.

Part III comes here.

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