9 Mar 2016

Day 27. Kaziukas Fair 2016. #VilniusFestivals



All about Kaziukas Fair or Saint Casimir's Fair here.
The grand popular annual fair is widely called by people simply Kaziukas.
This year Fair toook place on March 04 - 06.
Official programme of Kaziukas Fair 2016 - here.
traditional Kaziukas Chair at the beginning of 
Gediminas avenue in front of the Cathedral

Wood Handicraft

Traditional wooden spoons

Wooden Handicraft with wooden Pensive Christ (Rūpintojėlis)
created by Lithuanian wood carvers called Dievdirbiai

kind of fair gate decorated with Traditional woven sashes

Metal handicraft and a wonderfull lamp for 1,400 EUR :)

 The Sauna Yard

Hay Handicraft by Polish artists

Paintings by Lithuanian artists

The fair could be described in several words: crowds of people, verbos, variuos gingerbreads (but not the Christmas ones), bubliks ( OMG, this word does really exist also in English!!! it means riestainis or baronka), hundreds of craftsmen, crowds of people and one more time crowds of people.

Fair organizers ( among them Mr. Vytenis Urba) summarize the results of the fair - here ( but in Lithuanian).
My Kaziukas Fair  2016 Shopping results
My verba - Easter Egg, ( I just love it)

A Wooden Flower

Modern version of traditional basket for potatoes picking

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