22 Mar 2016

Day 30. Pilaitė Part II. News. Pilaite Parish plans and projects for the future.


My dearest Pilaitė has its own parish with a church - St. Joseph Church.

Well, I always used to think that it is a churcj but it turned out to be only a chapel. Therefore Pilaite parish priests as well as parishioners had a dream to construct a church for 15 years already.
Their dream is starting to become true. The construction of a new church has begun.

On March 19, on St Joseph's Day, a Ceremony of Laying Foundation Stone ( or Conerstone) fo the future church took place. The Foundation Stone is layed in the place of future central altar.

Place of Foundation Stone (on March 18)

Foundation Stone of a future Saint Joseph Church 

Architects of the future Saint Joseph Church  are Kęstutis Akelaitis, Gintaras Čaikauskas and Marius Šaliamoras ( info: here).

Visualization of the future church - here.

Crow of people going to the chapel on a Palm Sunday (March 20)

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